Keep Martinez’s Rich History Alive!

Take a look around.
Martinez Has a Rich History
Throughout the years we've posted many stories and information. The archive awaits!
Historical Posts
Martinez Has a Rich History
Throughout the years we've posted many stories and information. The archive awaits!
Historical Posts
Museum Renovations Underway
The pandemic was an opportunity to care for many needed projects at the Museum.
See More
Museum Renovations Underway
The pandemic was an opportunity to care for many needed projects at the Museum.
See More
Donations Keep us Going
It's through generous contributions from citizens like you that keep our traditions alive.
Go Fund Me
Donations Keep us Going
It's through generous contributions from citizens like you that keep our traditions alive.
Go Fund Me

Interested in Volunteering?

Leadership at the Martinez Historical Society is always looking for people to help by getting involved.

We're active on Facebook...




A Gem of the Bay Area


Throughout the years we've posted many stories and information. The archive awaits!
History Posts


Three Museums...


It's through generous contributions from citizens like you that keep our traditions alive.
Donate Now


The leadership of the Martinez Historical Society is always looking for new helpers.
I'm interested!

My Group of Guests - Crab Feed 2025

This form allows for up to six (12) guests. If you are purchasing tickets for a group of more than six guests, please call Julie Wilde at 925-787-1968

The next screen will be a payment screen.

Your seat reservation will not be saved unless you complete the order and purchase tickets on the following screens.

Happy New Year!

Thank you for your interest in the Martinez Historical Society Crab Feed. This popular annual event has limited capacity and usually is a sell-out.

For a smoothly-run event this year, each attendee will get an assigned seat.

Your information will be needed during the purchase process.

First step, inform us of the name of each guest in your party.